Chinese Mythology I - Pan Gu, Nu Wa, Hou Yi, Cheng Earl

4.0 ( 7690 ratings )
Éducation Livres
Développeur iiPeen Inc.

Thanks for your 5-star rating ★★★★★. Keep the good apps coming!

★★★ First Place Winner★★★
Apple Paid App - Education(Taiwan)

Experience Chinese mythology in a fun, interactive way. Enjoy colorful, interactive artwork in a meaningful adventure—the story of Pan Gu creating the world.

This colorful creation comes with English and Chinese narration, and English and Chinese (simplified and traditional) characters.

Buy now and you’ll get three other stories free. The other three traditional Chinese tales are now in production. Once the second story is published, the price will jump to $1.99. Once the third story is published, the price will jump to $2.99. Once the fourth story is published, the price will jump to $3.99. Save money now. Secure your copy of the four-story set for only 99 cents today.

★ Colorful animation and artwork
★ Entertaining music accents the story
★ The first Chinese mythology app
★ English and Chinese vocabulary
★ Fun, interesting, educational
★ For all ages


‎100% 互動中國神話故事集! 總共有四個經典中國神話故事: 盤古開天, 女媧補天, 后羿射日, 嫦娥奔月! 每一頁都有互動, 拼圖, 和著色~ 目前有中英文版本! 現在推出第一個故事"盤古開天" !!! 限時特價$0.99 (買一送三)~

- 100% 互動式故事書
- 中英文
- 物理引擎 互動支援
- 著色, 拼圖遊戲 (每一頁)
- 彈奏音樂
- 中英字彙發音


100% 互动中国神话故事集! 总共有四个经典中国神话故事: 盘古开天, 女娲补天, 后羿射日, 嫦娥奔月! 每一页都有互动, 拼图, 和着色~ 目前有中英文版本! 现在推出第一个故事"盘古开天" !!! 限时特价$0.99 (买一送三)~

- 100% 互动式故事书
- 中英文
- 物理引擎 互动支援
- 着色, 拼图游戏 (每一页)
- 弹奏音乐
- 中英字汇发音